Wednesday, October 5, 2011

FREE: What I'm Thankful Most For.

Ever had one of those days when you feel like it just isn't your day? When you don't even feel like getting out of bed? When everyone just seems to irritate you for no apparent reason? Well I'm having one of those days,  and I love how you always have those friends who can brighten up your mood without even seeming to try. Those are the friends I'm thankful for.

It's Wednesday after school, and the weather's been bipolar all day. With rain and sun, then rain and sun again. At the moment, the weather is hideous outside. Cold, windy, and rainy. My day at school, not so great. Sleeping through every class besides PE, and being either angry or apathetic while I was awake. I obviously did not have a 7 hour long school day filled with daisies and cotton candy. All I could think about all day was getting through that excruciating day as fast as possible, so I could go home and sleep through the rest of the day. I didn't have any plans for after school, and I didn't really want any either. I didn't think anything could make my day brighter. But then came along my good friend Ariel. Convincing me to hangout after school instead of going home, I felt better. With a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken, a board game of Life, and some extremely funny advice, my day got so much better.

I'm thankful to have people like that in my life. Friends that're willing to listen to what I have to say when I'm not having the best day. Friends who can make me laugh and smile without even trying. Friends that I'm positive will always be there for me. They're what gets me through the day. I can honestly say I wouldn't even know where I'd be without my friends. So they're what I'm thankful most for.

1 comment:

  1. I am also most thankful for my friends. People who love and respect me, deserve respect and love in return. Also I've found that friends are a clear advantage over family when it comes to consolation and such, in my case.
    Friendship is wonderful! It's the most special thing. Even if people betray you, or if the friendship fades, I always remember to recall the great times I had with them.
