Friday, October 21, 2011

CE: 1 Out Of 18.

Thursday afternoon, a toddler laying in the middle of the street, unquestionably injured after being ran over multiple times. If she was obviously harmed, why was she still laying unconscious on the road?

Yue Yue, a Chinese toddler, was ran over repeatedly Thursday afternoon in Foshan, Guangdong Province, China. You'd think after seeing such a young life on the line, someone would've immediately helped her, right? Wrong. 18 pedestrians and cyclists passed right on by without calling an ambulance, or even helping Yue Yue off the street. Thank goodness Chen Xianmei, a 57 year old nearby, had the decency to move her off to the side of the street, and called for help, saving her life.

When I heard the news, and heard that over a dozen people passed by without helping her in the slightest way seemed so incredibly wrong to me. It made me think, "Is it that hard to be a good person nowadays? What has the world come to?" It's shocking that only 1 person out of 18 people chose to stop, and chose to save a life.

Though it's sickening to know that so many people are so heartless nowadays, it's refreshing to know that there's still some kind-hearted, generous people out there in the world.

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