Wednesday, October 19, 2011

RP: Cellphones? Unnecessary.

"But yeah, I'll get a text and just look at my phone and throw it on my bed or something." - Vicky Hoang

I completely agree with Vicky. To me, technology is starting to bore me. Before, whenever I got a call or a text message, I'd pick up or text back right away, or as soon as I saw it. When my bill came, my mom would always ask who I text to have hit over 15,000 messages that month. But lately, I've been getting really lazy with all that. If someone calls me and I miss it, chances are I won't call back, unless it's someone important like my mom. If someone texts me, 99.99% of the time, I won't text back. I'd read it, then re-lock my phone and toss it back to wherever it was. Honestly, it's not because I don't want to talk to the person, it's because I'm too lazy to even reply.

I remember when I first got texting, I was so excited. I wanted to text everyone, I wanted everyone to text me. At a point, I felt that I couldn't even live without my phone(exaggerating), but I did think that. And even though I felt such love towards my phone before, I find that as time goes on, my phone becomes less and less important to me. Sure, it's a good thing to have incase of emergency. But now, I can probably say I could go without a cellphone.

Before if you asked me, "Do you think you can live without your phone?" I'd probably reply, "NO." But now, if you asked me the same question, I'd reply, "Yes, cellphones aren't necessary to live."

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