Wednesday, October 19, 2011

FREE: Appearance.

Appearance. One dilemma everybody shares. Whether it's a pimple, or the way you dress, appearance seems to be an issue everyone has to deal with, some more than others.

Before I used to think appearance was an extremely big deal. Having to look presentable anywhere I go. Even if it's to the grocery store, or to a family member's house, I'd always have to put myself together. But as lifes progresses, the need to "dress to impress" becomes less and less important to me. Now when I think about it, who am I trying to impress? Nobody. As long as I feel comfortable in my own skin, why should I feel the need to impress anyone else? Unless I have one of those high school puppy crushes, but I don't at the moment. Lately I've been noticing that I've been downgrading the way I present myself. Not meaning that I don't care how I present myself now, it just means that I don't put as much effort into looking nice everywhere I go. Instead of spending a couple hours a night looking for something to wear, I'll settle with anything I can find in about 30 minutes that looks decent.

What I've come to realize is that appearance isn't everything. Just because you look nice on the outside, doesn't mean anything else. You shouldn't spend so much time worrying about such a topic, because appearance isn't everything.

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