Thursday, October 13, 2011

FREE: Pride.

Orange. The color assigned to us sophomores. Tomorrow is the day of our homecoming game, also the day where each class wears their class colors. I wonder who really has pride to be a sophomore.

Last year, being a freshman our color was a bland shade of gray. &to avoid being boo'd & pennied, I chose to show up at school in a neutral white. I can honestly say I wasn't proud to be a freshman that day. But this year, it's a completely different story. Weeks before homecoming, I went shopping for all things orange. An orange tee shit, orange socks, and even orange face paint. I know this year I can show my school spirit & pride to be a sophomore. I don't have to hide anymore, and I can finally walk around with my war paint on. I'm ready for tomorrow, to get up in the morning, put my orange on, get through the day, the pep rally, and even to see our class float. Already ready, I can't wait for Alameda High's homecoming day :)

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