Thursday, October 13, 2011

CE: Sick.

An underground issue that has finally surfaced. Priests sexually abusing minors? Yes, priests. The reports have increasingly been flooding in, in Europe and the US. Have these cases been brought to justice? After years of sweeping these reports under the carpet, the world is beginning to take legal notice to these sickening actions.

 "When at age 15, I called the diocese to report the rapes they hung up on me." - Megan Peterson, 21.

Disgusting. Revolting. Disgraceful. All words I can think of to describe not only the priests accountable for these actions, but also the figure of authority who was supposed to be responsible of handling the result of those actions. It's one thing to be the abuser, but what makes you better if someone has chosen to confide in you, and seek your help, and all you can think to do is hang up the phone. Shame.

In my mind, I thought priests were supposed to be against those gruesome actions. To be against those merciless people. I never thought of them to be the ones hiding behind such crimes. And for them to be sexually assaulting minors, and still being able to wander the streets freely is ridiculous. The world has taken the first step of recognizing the situation, but let's take the second step. Let's get rid of these sick, twisted people, and put them behind bars.

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