Tuesday, October 11, 2011

BC: Words Of Inspiration.

As you may know, the ex-CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs, recently passed due to Pancreatic cancer. Before he passed, he made a speech. One of the things he said was, "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." After I read  that, I stopped for a second to think about what he meant, but I didn't understand it. As I kept reading, he said, "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" With that, I began to get an idea of what he meant. Even though he already knew he was on the road to death, he still used that quote to get the most out of everyday. I began to understand the quote that inspired the way he lived his life for the past 33 years.

Hearing this quote for the first time opened up a door to me that I didn't even know existed. It opened up a whole new perspective of life to me. It made me realize a lot more that I hadn't even thought to think about before. If I woke up tomorrow morning, looked in the mirror, and asked myself, "If this was going to be my last day to live, would I actually want to do what I'm going to do today?" I'd realize that if I lived my last day yielding to my normal routine, I would've ended my life half liven. Doing the things I had to do, instead of the things I wanted to do. Not experiencing all the things I wanted to have experienced. Not seeing places I wanted to have seen. In my mind, I wouldn't have even lived.

"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life." - Steve Jobs

That was his way of making big decisions, and I see where he's coming from. I agree with him actually. To keep in mind that your life could be over at any day, at any second, affects the way you think so much more than you think now. You would want to make the decisions most beneficial for you, so you could have lived your life proudly & prosperously, right? Well I don't know about you, but that's how I'd want to live my life. So with every decision I make, If I think about that one saying, I think I'd make the better choices in life for me.

I realized that there is so much more to fulfill in life, and that our time is precious. Not a second should be wasted, because that second could be your very last. It makes you think about so much more, and it makes you see life in a completely different way. It makes you appreciate so much more. And what I'm hoping is that this quote will have the same effect on the rest of my community, if better more, than it did on me. Thank you for these words of inspiration, may your legacy live on, Steve Jobs.

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