Thursday, October 13, 2011

RP: School Makes You Cool.

"The choices that some people make really confuse me. You're offered free education, something that isn't available to everyone and yet still decide to take it for granted." - Peter Nguyen

In the country we live in, we're fortunate enough to have a free public education. And in school, we're given numerous opportunities to improve the chances of our futures. With a deal like that, you'd think each and every member of the student body would be thankful for a such an education. But instead, you observe many students destroying their futures instead of building them up, because they think they're "too cool for school."

I agree with Peter's statement. Many kids nowadays have such a negative attitude towards school. I'll admit, I've had my fair share of days where I didn't feel like going to school, or where I'd complain about how I hate school. But in all honesty, I love school. Besides the fact that it's a place offering me a free education and a chance at a better future, it's a place that allows me to associate with people foreign to me, even allowing me to create life long bonds with some of them. It disappoints me to see the negativity and disrespect towards school from some students. Disrespecting school rules because they're, "too cool for school." Disrespecting teachers because they're, "too cool for school." And even disrespecting peers because they're, "too cool for school."

When I see people with that attitude, it completely changes my perspective of them as a person. Honestly, it makes me think of them of a person that I frankly don't wanna be associated with. Coming to school with your mind set on not wanting to be there, or being there to disrupt the learning environment of others in UNcool. But coming to school ready to learn, with a positive respectful attitude, makes you incredibly cool.

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