Friday, September 9, 2011

CE: We Are No Different.

Yes. Without a doubt, the tragedy of 9/11 has affected and impacted our country immensely. In some ways, expected. Like doing whatever we can think of to improve our airport securities. But in some ways, unexpected. Like changing our racial views on other cultures. That one incident alone has drastically changed our country not only economically, but it has also changed our mindsets. Our perception, our awareness.
September 11, 2001. Who knew that in just seconds, our entire country could change? We've been forced to spend tons of money trying to update and improve airport security with intentions of preventing something so horrible of ever happening again. But i feel there's an even more important issue at our hands, the one I'm going to zoom in on. I'm sure a fair number of citizens won't admit it, but I'm almost positive that we can't even do something as simple as walking on a sidewalk without having our guards up, or judging innocent strangers. Nowadays, you can't walk past a person clothed in traditional attire, a turban, or a beard without having a slight passing thought that that person might be a terrorist. That that person could be a possible threat to our country. Why, because of the way they look? I'll admit, in the past i have thought like that before. I've thought that we are different from those people. But in all honesty, now i believe we are no different. They came to our country with assumptions, and intentions to disrupt and destroy it. They didn't know anything about us, but plotted a murderous scheme killing the lives of many innocent people. Watching this video, seeing how Americans are killing and terrorizing innocent people because of the way they look breaks my heart. Because that just proves that we are the same stupid, and heartless people as them.
There are both good and bad people in this world, everywhere we go in all countries. But with of a philosophy of a kill for a kill? What will that do? It will just add more fuel to the fire that needs to be extinguished. But my point is, if our country has an opinion that we are completely different then them, my opinion is that they're wrong. Actions do in fact speak a lot louder than words, and with the actions that we have committed, it does show that we are no different than them.

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