Friday, September 16, 2011

CE: An Outsider Looking In.

 This video in particular caught my eye. As i was watching this, it reminded me of the horrible times in the past like slavery. Not only that, but it showed me how different they were than us. How much harder they work, how much more appreciative they are of what they have. I really feel like an outsider looking in.
After watching this video, i immediately thought of the many differences that lied between us.  Like the fact that they work so hard in underpaid and abusive jobs, and to be grateful for the little pay they get. What makes them so different from us is that we work in dignified and respectful jobs, but we still complain about the pay we get. What it made me realize is that they are much more simplistic than us, less corrupted by technology and money. That after being treated so disrespectfully, and being paid so little, they still are happy with what they have just because they made enough to support their families. As little as 18$ a month to support their whole families. 18$ wouldn't last most americans a week. That's what i find so amazing. Their appreciation for money, for what they have and what they can get is so much more than ours. We are on completely different levels. And that's what i found so interesting about this video.

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