Friday, September 9, 2011

RP: Irreplaceable.

When kids say, “Oh, I hate my parents!” it bugs me. Okay, well, I must admit, I’ve said this a thousand of times, but I realized how lucky I am to even have a parent. Getting back to my point, people these days needs to open their eyes and see all of the things our parents do for us.- Kristy Vo

I completely agree with Kristy. I believe many kids take what they have for granted, including their parents and what they do for us. My mom is an immigrant from Vietnam, and i can't really say much about my dad because he's never really around. But my mom is the most important and powerful woman in my life. I know she's done so much for me, and it's really only fair for me to repay her. Of course, there are times where she's gotten me mad and I've said things to her that i don't mean. But nobody can replace your mom, she is home. All her life, she's worked and worked and worked. For what? To support her children, and to give us the lives and things she never got to have as a child. I'm really fortunate to have someone in my life who takes care of me and worries for me so much. I hear so many kids say that their parents make them so mad that they can't wait to get out of the house, just to be away from them. It's their opinion, but i honestly do feel bad for them. Because once you lose your parents, you don't have anything to fall back on. Will your friends be there your whole life? Probably not. But your parents will. I'm right on board when Kristy said it bothered her when kids bitch about their parents, because they go to lengths and jump through hoops to ensure your health and safety, all while showering your with unconditional love. And for all they do for you, the least you could do is the same.

1 comment:

  1. I left a response on your post...
