Tuesday, September 20, 2011

BC: The Curious Case Of Oreo, My Dog

...All I could see was black. Nothing but a sea pure darkness. I could feel the cold damp air against my skin... You may be wondering how I ended up stuck in this situation, so let me take you back about 2 hours where my day began.
I woke up today at about the same time as any other day. Early, to birds chirping, and the bright yellow sun shining in my eyes. This morning was different. Usually my dog Oreo, a black and white poodle chihuahua, would be my alarm clock by rubbing it's cold wet button nose against my soft cheek. It was extremely strange, abnormal. Where could Oreo be? The first thing I thought of to do was panic. I frantically searched high and low, ran through every single room, looking into every single crack and crevice that his tiny body could possibly fit into. And the same result every single time, Oreo was nowhere to be found. I suddenly remembered one place I haven't checked yet. A closet, so stuffed full of unnecessary and useless items I've bought over the years, I never feel the need to open it. As I opened the closet door everything collapsed out, leaving a trail of rubbish and dust. But still, no Oreo. But there was something else, something I caught at the very corner of my eye. Something I've never seen before. A door. A big, old, wooden, broken down door. I was hesitant to open it at first, but my curiosity got the best of me. I put my hand on the cold copper doorknob and slowly twisted it to the right. It let out a loud creak as it opened. All I could see was black. Nothing but a sea of pure darkness. I could feel the cold damp air against my skin. A sharp chill ran down my spine. I was afraid, and I felt like i couldn't move. But once again, my curiosity got the best of me. Without thinking, I took gentle and quiet steps into the unknown room. And before I knew it, the door shut quickly behind me. I could feel the panic bulding up inside me, but seconds before I completely freaked out, I heard a bark. And no ordinary bark, it was Oreo.
When I heard the sound of Oreo's innocent, afraid bark, all the panic disappeared. I knew I had to keep going, I had to find my best friend. I had no idea where I was going. Whether the path was narrow or broad. Whether objects were cluttered in front of me or if I was in a completely empty room. All I could do was stick my long scrawny arms out in front of me and hope that I wouldn't collide into harm's way. As I continued to take careful slow baby steps, I heard Oreo's barks grow louder and louder. I got down on all 4s and started crawling. I was hoping that if I felt around the cold hard floor, I would come across Oreo's soft warm body. After about 3 hours, searching all over this dark cold room, I finally put my hand on a warm blooded furry body. And suddenly, I knew. I found Oreo. And after I found Oreo, all the lights came on, and the old wooden door opened itself letting us out. I never questioned why, or how this unusual situation occurred. I was just glad I found my dog.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe...doors within doors....

    There's a good balance here between sensory details and details about the actions/events. Personally I like the "dog nose on cheek" moment the best...it caught me off guard and I lolled.
