Tuesday, September 13, 2011

RP: What Will Become Of My Future?

"Iam always so confused when it comes to the topic of my future. I don'thave any idea of where I want to college, what I want my profession tobe, or anything about my future at all actually." - Peter Nguyen

The question that constantly gets asked is, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" Starting from when we were toddlers in preschool, to 5th graders in elementary school, and even now, 10th graders in highschool, we still get asked this same question. When i was a in preschool, i said a princess. When i was in elementary school, i said a teacher. But when i get asked this question now, my answer is i have no clue. I agree with Peter completely. When he said he didn't know what to say when it came to thoughts about future, professions, college. Now, i have many thoughts about what to be. I've thought about being a writer, a psychologist, and many other things. But i can't say any of those with a true passion, aspiration, or sureness. What i find hard to answer is, how come when i was asked this question when i was little, i was so confident in what i wanted to be when i grew up. But now, i can't settle with anything yet. I guess this is the age where i have to take this question seriously so i decide where i'll end up in life, but it's hard. Honestly, it's scary to think about something so serious. And maybe that's why i haven't really taken it seriously, because i was afraid of where it might take me.
I'm sure i'll be asked this question many more times in the future, and i'm sure i'll name completely different professions every single time. But until i find something i'm sincerely passionate about, and truly inspired by, i won't be sure. So when you ask me, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" I'll honestly answer, i don't know.

1 comment:

  1. I think you'll figure out what you want to do soon :) It sounds like you have some interesting ideas already.
    I've wanted to be a lot of things, like you, a lawyer, a teacher, a psychologist, even a physicist. But I settled on animation because I realized I knew my favorite thing that I'm passionate about is rendering digital media like movies and games.
    It's ok not to know- at least you know you know you want to be something, I'm sure you know what you DON'T want to be right?
    Being young is all about learning about yourself. I'm sure you'll find out what you like to do for a job soon :).
