Tuesday, September 13, 2011

FREE: Coming Up.

Coming up is Halloween, followed by my birthday. And that's all that's been on my mind lately. On the weekend of the 29th and 30th, some of my best friends and I are gonna go to Fright Fest at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo to celebrate Halloween and my birthday.

I've never ever been to a Halloween event at an amusement park before and I'm so excited. Although i scare really easily, like REALLY easily, that is the one thing that I'm looking forward to MOST in the next couple months. Combining the 2 things I love the most in the world, roller coasters and my friends, I'm definitely going to have the best day ever. For costumes, I was thinking of our group to go as a box of crayons. Like each of us would dress up as a different color. But the only thing I'm worried about is that our crayon hats would fly off during the rides. But you know what i hate? When people say they can go, and bail on us last minute. Like, come on guys! The tickets are NON REFUNDABLE, and we're not going with an odd amount of people. Because then someone would have to sit alone on a ride and that's not gonna be me for sure. But what's even worse is people who pay to go, show up, then nag and complain about everything and every ride. Like how they say, "oh, I'm so scared." "Oh, I'm so tired." "Oh, I'm gonna have a heart attack and die and it's going to be all your fault cause you're making me go on it." Like, boo hoo. Suck it up, or just tell me that you're a scaredy cat and stay home. Because i know you're gonna be a party pooper of the day if that's all you're gonna do. But I'm positive if none of those go, then we'll all have a fantastic time.

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