Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Introducing Me.

You probably know who I am. You've probably seen me around. You also probably have your impressions and opinions about me. But you don't know me. Knowing that nobody knows me better than myself, I can tell you that I'm one of the most complicated people you'll ever meet. I'm puzzling, but simple. I'm caring, but apathetic. I'm outgoing, but yet extremely reserved. Although I'm an independent person myself, almost all the decisions I make depend on something. I have an adventurous personality.

I love going out, exploring and experiencing things I've never experienced before. But over the years, I've learned to keep everything personal to myself. I'm not one who likes to share anything in particular. From something as small as a scoop ice cream, to something as big as any obstacles I’m facing. That’s just the way I’ve been brought up.  I was raised under the strict religion of Buddhism, so growing up I’ve been taught to never take anything for granted. I’ve also been taught to strive for perfection my whole life, and most importantly to never disappoint my parents. Living under those circumstances, I’ve become an extremely family oriented person.  

Though I try to be, I’m not an athletic person whatsoever. You can count on the fact that I can’t run or swim to save my entire family’s lives. But this year, I’m definitely going to try to fix that problem by joining the Alameda High School swim team. Learning to swim and spending more time in the water will all go to my benefit. Nobody would guess just by looking at me, but I was diagnosed with heart disease in 2007. So this will have been my 4th year fighting it. My doctors always told me that exercise would go towards my advantage, but I never really took it seriously until now.  I never let my condition come in-between me and school, because school is my main priority. To graduate with a diploma in my hands, attending a 4 year U.C, then becoming a published writer is my ideal goal in life. I feel like writing is my strongest point. And not to be cocky, but I honestly think I’m really good at it, which plays in my favor because it’s something I enjoy and feel good about too. That’s why I’ve chosen that career path for myself.

Each year, writing is always the topic that catches my attention. Whether it’s receiving different prompts to write about, or learning something new like grammar skills and such, it all catches my attention. As the writing assignments get harder each year, I feel like it prepares me better for what’s to come in my future. So writing is definitely a subject I want to keep improving on as I move forward in school. So this year, as well as any other year to come, I want to focus on writing the most. I want to make mistakes, and learn from them, so that I can be the best I can be.

In general, I’m a very layered person.  Do I think anyone can understand me better than myself? No, I don’t. But after reading this, I hope you guys can understand me a bit better than you already did. Introducing me, Amy Trieu.